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No0b#'s Application (Posted By Penguind)

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No0b#'s Application (Posted By Penguind) Empty No0b#'s Application (Posted By Penguind)

Post  MJBS | Penguind Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:45 am

No0b# wasn't able to post his, so he sent it to my PM.



In-Game Name: MJBS|No0b#

U.S.G.N Name: Tomii Casla

U.S.G.N ID:94492

When Did You Start To Play CS2D:When i am 13 years old
Hobbies:Play football,play cs2d, and read books

Skill Level (1-10):6

Previous Names:Tommy10,#Cereal Guy#

Previous Clans:/

Why You Want To Join:Because there are good players and friends, and I will continue to improve

Why You Left Other Clan To Join (Optional if you were previously in a clan):/

Other Information:

MJBS | Penguind
MJBS | Penguind

Posts : 303
Points : 394
Reputation : 10
Join date : 2012-07-30
Age : 26
Location : Canada, Ontario, Bath


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